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LNK457 and LNK460 Rated Power definition

Posted by: pato2010 on

Dear PI technical support team,

I can see in the datasheet of LNK-PL that LNK457 max power is 8W and LNK458 is 11.5W and LNK460 is 16W.

Also I found that you have an application note DER-388 which is a design of 9 W Buck A19 Lamp Replacement LED Driver Using LinkSwitch-PL LNK457DG

And the Application Note DER-337 which is a design of a Buck LED Driver Using LinkSwitch-PL LNK460KG

I see that the two ICs work over power than what's in the datasheet.
Can you discuss this issue please?



Submitted by PI-Jono on 01/09/2015

Hi Pato,
Thank you for feedback. The power table is based from a Flyback topology.
So for the Buck toplogy, a power table is not recommended because the power transfer is mainly limited by the drain current and output voltage. The output current would be a better guide. Please use the PI-spreadsheet to verify the power delivery.
