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Increase CMA? Core too small?

Posted by: HDP on
The Design Software assumes EE16 to be best. But there is still a lot of room on the bobbin, so I'd rather use an EE13 Core. It's al lot smaller an more light. The Sofware gives a warning for EE13: !!! INCREASE CMA > 150 (increase L(primary layers),decrease NS, use larger Core) What means CMA? Is the EE13 too small for 2W? Usually an EE13 is suitable for 2W. But maybe the freqency of lnk564 is too low in this case? Thanks, Kai


Submitted by PI-Spock on 09/10/2008
CMA is Circular mils per Amp. Its sort of a reciprocal of current density. So if you have a low CMA design the wires are more likely to heat up. For your situation - Yes you can use EE13 core. Just increase the number of layers L in the software. That way you will use a thicker wire and the CMA will go up (in other words current density will go down)