PowerPros Online Support

PowerPros℠ is an online tech support service that enables power-supply designers to talk directly with members of our applications engineering team 24 hours a day, six days a week, anywhere in the world.
PowerPros allows designers worldwide to share a video call with an expert power electronics engineer to discuss real engineering challenges. Regardless the size of the project or what stage you are at with your design, we can help accelerate your development and ensure success.
Choose one of the following three categories that best fits your need. Help is on the way.
If you're just getting started, let us know what you're trying to design
and we'll help you choose the perfect PI solution.
Working on a design and can't quite get it right?
We can provide design support to get you to the next level.
Have a prototype that needs troubleshooting? Need something else? Our technical team is ready with support and guidance for any other need.