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LCS70x power supply auto VCC

Posted by: danutstanciu on

I intended to make a power supply with LCS700 (70W) and I wonder if LCS700 could take VCC from an auxiliary transformer wing (like in schematic) . In all schematic examples VCC is taken from an auxiliary power source. Is that possibly? Thank you in advance.


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schematic 16.46 KB


Submitted by danutstanciu on 03/19/2018

In the end I will follow recommended solution, with auxiliary power source because has few components than my solution (even I think that is less elegant solution :)).

Submitted by PI-Mallora on 04/06/2018

Hi danutstanciu,

Thank you for using Power Integrations part.
Regarding your question, VCC from bias winding is basically the best solution in terms of efficiency and cost. If you have other solution that is more efficient and cost effective, it's not a problem with our controller. What we have on the schematic is just recommendation but you have the freedom to use other solution that you think is more beneficial.