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Transformer for 440W HiperLCS design

Posted by: david_sumolight on

We would like to use HiperLCS part LCS708 to make a converter with 300-400 volt input and 400 volt output, with max load 1.1 amp, nominal frequency 300 kHz. PIXLS designer allows us to calculate a number of different transformers, and PQ32/20 seems like a realistic possibility.

A number of questions arise:

1. Can Power Integrations Rapid Transformer Sampling Service provide transformers for LLC converters. If so, how would we provide necessary data,given that the transformer designer tool does not appear to support HiperLCS family?

2. Could P-I provide us some suggestions for how to create a planar transformer for this application?

3. For our application, we also investigated LLC with voltage doubler output, such as described in this app note from TI (http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/sluu467/sluu467.pdf). Can HiperLCS also be used with this type of circuit? If so, how could we use PIXLS to obtain necessary transformer parameters?

4. Since our output voltage is quite high, does P-I have any suggestions for feedback circuit that would consume less power?

Attached is our PIXLS for this design.


Attachment 大小
400V output HiperLCS 57 KB


Submitted by PI-Neela on 02/23/2017

1. we don't provide this build. you can contact our local FAE for further supprot

2.  the core selection is a critical starting point.  it depend on the dimension specs. winding loss, cost budget will all be the factors. we need more specs from the application to optimize the choices.

3. Vo double can be used. you can use PIXL but VO on PIXL will be 1/2 of your targested Vo. Io on PIXL is 2x of application Io

4. you can increase feedback resistor to reduce the loss on feedback resistor .