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Showing 31 - 45 of 172 Videos
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SCALE EV Gate-Driver Boards - Product Introduction
The SCALE EV family of gate-driver boards for Infineon™ EconoDUAL™ modules featuring reinforced isolation are suitable for original, clone and new SiC variants. The new product targets high-power automotive and...
SCALE EV - Functional Safety Features

SCALE EV gate driver boards provide a full range of functional safety features and simplify design for automotive applications. Without the use of additional hardware, SCALE EV offers active discharge...

PowiGaN - Quality, Robustness and Reliability

Power Integrations has full control over the manufacturing process of its PowiGaN devices, which includes extensive tests specifically designed to ensure the initial quality, robustness and long-term reliability of our...

PI线上直播 – 智能家居供电解决方案

在这场由电源网于2022年6月30日举行的线上直播中,PI资深技术培训经理Jason Yan介绍最新的智能家居高效开关电源解决方案,并探讨如何利用 PowiGaN 技术实现高达95%效率的电源解决方案

PI 线上直播点看 - 超小型适配器电源设计

在2021年4月的线上直播中,资深技术培训经理Jason Yan讲解如何利用采取PowiGaN技术的PI产品,设计超小型的适配器电源,包含高度集成的InnoSwitch3系列反激式开关IC,以及大幅缩减电解电容体积的MinE-CAP IC。