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New Application--HiperPFS

Posted by: Chuck U Farley on


We are working on a ~450W power supply for a specialized application. We are at the stage where we find out what's desired and what is possible. I could use some help....

I'm specifically looking at the HiperPFS-4, but maybe one of the other Hipers will be a better fit? Here is what we would like to have:

-active PFC. no brainer.
-power control (desired but not required)
-power in excess of the stated maximums, up to 1kW. We would like to avoid the use of 230V power if possible. (desired but not required)
-lowest parts count--space is at a premium
-very fast overload/ fault detection

I know this is all very basic, but it will be tremendously helpful to get a good sense of direction before we get too far along a path. Thank you!



Submitted by PI-LeoDavinci on 12/23/2017

Hi Chuck,

Good day. Thank you very much for considering Power Integrations' product particularly the HIPERPFS family.Here are some of our pointers/suggestions:

Peak power up to 1KW - if this is the maximum power desired then the best options would be PFS and PFS3 since the maximum peak power for both is at 1000W.

Lowest parts count - for this the best choice would be PFS2 and PFS3 since both PFC diode are already incorporated inside the IC package itself. The main difference is that PFS3 is more configured high PF and efficiency across load range.

Fast overload/fault detection - We suppose all are capable almost equally. However PFS has more parts count than PFS2,3,and 4. The determining factor for this would be desired peak power. Any of the PFS2,3, and 4 can handle fast overload/fault detection.

Hope this helps.


Submitted by Easy Peasy on 12/29/2017

Hello Chuck, I see pwrtrnx . com has some good designs in the power range you are seeking - they specialize in high reliability designs in a minimum space