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Not getting Proper output dc-dc power supply PI expert suit

Posted by: sepl@988 on

This design has been created in pi expert suit. but this design is not giving proper output as expect.


첨부 파일 파일 크기
pi-1600x12002x_innoswitch3-ep-900v-insop-24d.png 435.32 KB


Submitted by PI-Cylon on 02/19/2021

Hi sepl@988

I need to ask you a few questions before I can help you.

Did you create this in the downloadable version of PI Expert? Which version of PI Expert did you use? I need to know so that I can reproduce your issue exactly.

Can you please tell me more about what you mean by not giving proper output as expected? When I imported your design into PI Expert Online, there were 3 messages in the warning window: 1 Warnings, 2 Info. Is that the problem you are seeing?